Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

With nearly half of Arizona's state budget spent on education, ensuring that our taxpayers get their money's worth and our kids get the best possible education is a top priority. I voted for Prop123 to inject another $3.5 Billion into our schools and to resolve a number of lawsuits that were costing the taxpayers millions while interfering with education policy. Now, instead of fighting, we can focus on quality results.

I also worked with our local districts to secure one-time funding to protect them during the current transition between old and new funding formulas.

I fully support a parent's right to choose a public, charter, or private education for their child. No parent should be forced to leave their child in a failing school and I will continue to support an income tax deduction to the school of their choice.

Finally, Common Core is a national standard developed by the federal government for our students here in Arizona. Even more frightening, these standards were never even voted upon by Congress. This is plain wrong as education is under the purview of the individual states. As your State Representative, I will work to return control of our children's curriculum to our local school boards and parents.
